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현대 베트남어













현대 베트남어


호주 빅토리아대 언어연구소에서 영어권 학습자를 대상으로 제작한 베트남어 회화 위주의 학습교재다.

베트남어에 대한 기본적인 이해를 바탕으로 일상의 현대 베트남어 활용이 가능한 수준에 이르게 하는 것을 목표로 베트남어 발음체계, 표기체계 등 베트남어의 기본적 지식의 설명에서 시작하여 고급수준의 베트남 구사 및 문장 활용에 이르는 베트남어 학습과정을 네 권에 나누어 단계별로 실었다.

베트남어가 모어가 아닌 사람들을 대상으로 베트남어를 교습해 온 저자의 경험을 바탕으로 베트남어라는 외국어에 익숙해질 수 있도록 단계별로 효과적으로 교재를 구성하였다.

일정수준의 영어문장 이해가 가능하며, 본격적으로 베트남어 회화를 공부 하고자 하는 경우에 권할 만한 교재다.

각권 180 쪽 내외의 텍스트북과 2 매 혹은 3 매의 음원 CD 로 구성한 4 권 (총 756 쪽 +CD 9) 분량으로, 베트남어 입문하여 고급 수준의 베트남어 활용이 가능한 단계에 이르게 하는 것을 목표로 한다.


01 권. 초보과정: 252 페이지 +CD 3 매
02 권. 초급과정: 190 페이지 +CD 2 매  
03 권. 중급과정: 136 페이지 +CD 2 매   
04 권. 고급과정: 178 페이지 +CD 2 매   





The book “Modern Vietnamese 2” is an outcome of the Innovative Languages Other than English in Schools (ILOTES) project, funded by the Language and Literacy Branch, Department of Employment, Education and Training.

This book accompanied by workbook and audio-cassettes, is the second in a series of the Vietnamese teaching materials for second language learners at the secondary school level. The materials are activities-based. A communicative approach is adopted in which the activity is the central focus of teaching and learning.

There are eighteen modules for two years of study. Each module consists of a variety of receptive and productive activities which aim to improve the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

This course assists learners to use Vietnamese in a variety of practical and real-life situations and to understand Vietnamese culture and society.

Students should use Part A of the workbook to assess their performance and Part B for extending exercises and activities on linguistic elements.

All instructions in this book are written in Vietnamese because students are expected to have finished the “Modern Vietnamese 1” or studied Vietnamese at least 150 hours before they start to use this book. It is believed that this process will advance students’ competence in Vietnamese.

I trust this series of Vietnamese learning and teaching materials will fulfill the growing need of students, teachers and providers of Vietnamese language study across Australia. I congratulate Mr Phan Van Giuong, the Project leader, and his co-workers for their foresight and diligence in producing an internationally unique set of Vietnamese language resource.


Professor Stephanie Fahey

Head, Department of Asian Studies and

Volume 1 includes 20 lesson units with the following topics:
Module 1: Greetings

Module 2: Introducing yourself and others

Module 3: Getting to know people

Module 4: Telling the time

Module 5: Checking what you can say/ write

Module 6: Telling the date

Module 7: Buying something

Module 8: Eating and drinking

Module 9: Talking about families

Module 10: Checking what you can say/ write

Module 11: Talking about daily activities

Module 12: Saying what you like

Module 13: Clothing

Module 14: Going to market

Module 15: Checking what you can say/write

Module 16: Visiting a friend

Module 17: Holidays

Module 18: Attending a Mid-Autumn Festival

Module 19: Describing appearance

Module 20: Checking what you can say/write


Appendix A: Introduction to the Vietnamese sound system.

Appendix B: Introduction to the Vietnamese writing system.

Appendix C: Glossary.


Volume 2 includes 18 lesson units with the following topics:
Module 1: Telephoning

Module 2: Family relationship

Module 3: Education on Vietnam

Module 4: Leisure activities

Module 5: Congratulations

Module 6: Vietnamese community in Australia

Module 7: Friendship

Module 8: Vietnamese heroines

Module 9: Review & Self-assessment

Module 10: Transportation

Module 11: Immigration

Module 12: Careers

Module 13: Banking

Module 14: Health

Module 15: Vietnamese folktales

Module 16: Main cities of Vietnam

Module 17: Vietnamese New Year’s Festival

Module 18: Review & Self-assessment






Volume 3 includes 9 lesson units with various topics.

Volume 4 includes 9 lesson units with various topics.


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0개 의 상품평이 있습니다.








상호: 서울데이터   사업자등록번호: 121-15-35265     통신판매신고: 인천중구 2009-0004   통판담당: 권가이
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